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Environment variables

Fief server relies heavily on environment variables for configuration. You'll likely need to adjust those settings for your deployment.

Set environment variables

Using Docker

When running Fief server with Docker, the most straightforward way is to use the -e option on the command line, as shown in Getting started.

docker run \
  --name fief-server \
  -p 8000:8000 \
  -d \
  -e "SECRET=XXX" \
  -e "PORT=8000" \
  -e "FIEF_DOMAIN=localhost:8000" \

However, it may become hard to maintain when having lot of variables to set. An alternative way is to use a .env file. It's a simple file where each line consists of a key and a value separated by an equal sign:


Then, you can reference this file in the Docker command:

docker run \
  --name fief-server \
  -p 8000:8000 \
  -d \
  --env-file .env \

Other methods of deployment

Depending on your method of deployment, the way of setting environment variables will be different. We show you several ways of deploying Fief in production in the previous section.


For each variable, we'll try to provide a sensible example value to help you configure it correctly. Throughout the examples, we'll assume that you host your Fief server on the sub-domain fief.bretagne.duchy.


Name Description Default Allowed values Example
ENVIRONMENT Name of the deployment environment production development, staging, production production
LOG_LEVEL Log verbosity
TELEMETRY_ENABLED Whether to enable telemetry True
ALLOW_ORIGIN_REGEX Regex used to control CORS access to your API http://.*localhost:[0-9]+ https://.*\.bretagne.duchy
PORT Internal port on which the Fief server is available 8000 8000
FORWARDED_ALLOW_IPS Comma separated list of IPs to trust with proxy headers. Read more


Name Description Default Allowed values Example
SECRET Secret value used to sign reset password tokens. Any sufficiently long string
ENCRYPTION_KEY Key used to encrypt the external databases credentials inside the main database A valid Fernet key encoded in UTF-8
GENERATED_JWK_SIZE Size in bits of the generated RSA key pair used to sign JWT. 4096

Encryption key generator

The encryption key should be a valid key for the Fernet encryption algorithm. Use the generator above to get yours! Keep it secret.


Name Description Default Allowed values Example
DATABASE_HOST Host of the main database localhost
DATABASE_PORT Listening port of the main database 5432
DATABASE_USERNAME Main database user fief
DATABASE_PASSWORD Main database user's password fiefpassword
DATABASE_NAME Main database name fief.db fief
DATABASE_SSL_MODE Main database SSL mode Varies by database type require
DATABASE_LOCATION For SQLite databases, path where to store the database files Current working directory
DATABASE_POOL_RECYCLE_SECONDS Maximum lifetime in seconds of a database connection in the connection pool. Useful for servers cutting idle connections after some time. Read more. 600 (10 minutes)
DATABASE_POOL_PRE_PING Whether to always issue a query before returning a database connection to make sure it's alive. Read more. False
DATABASE_POOL_SIZE Number of connections to the database to keep alive. Read more. 5
DATABASE_POOL_MAX_OVERFLOW Maximum number of extra database connection to spawn when pool size is reached. Read more. 10
DATABASE_URL Full database connection string, useful for some cloud providers. It'll take precedence over the single parameters above.

More details about how to configure a database in the dedicated section.

Configure database


We use a Redis instance to manage background jobs (send emails, heavy computations...). A Redis instance is already up-and-running in the official Docker image, but you can provide your own one if needed.

Name Description Default Allowed values Example
REDIS_URL URL of a Redis server redis://localhost:6379

Email provider

Name Description Default Allowed values Example
EMAIL_PROVIDER_PARAMS Configuration dictionary of the email provider {} {"server_token": "XXX-XXX"}
DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL Default transactional emails sender email address contact@bretagne.duchy
DEFAULT_FROM_NAME Default transactional emails sender name Fief Bretagne

More details about how to configure an email provider in the dedicated section.

Configure email provider


Name Description Default Allowed values Example
WEBHOOKS_MAX_ATTEMPTS Maximum attempts to deliver a webhook event before giving up. 5

To protect against Cross-Site-Request-Forgery attacks on authentication pages, we use the double-submit cookie pattern.

Name Description Default Allowed values Example
CSRF_CHECK_ENABLED Whether to enable the CSRF protection. In most cases, this should remain enabled. True
CSRF_COOKIE_NAME Name of the CSRF token cookie fief_csrftoken
CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE Secure flag of the login session cookie True

_COOKIE_SECURE flag should be True in production

Browser cookies support the Secure flag, which tells the browser to not forward the cookie if the site is not requested in HTTPS.

For your convenience when starting Fief on your local machine, the Quickstart command will set those flags to False for every Fief cookies.

However, for security reasons, it's strongly recommended to set those flags to True (the default if not specified) when deploying to production.

The user locale cookie maintains the language of the user on the authentication pages.

Name Description Default Allowed values Example
USER_LOCALE_COOKIE_NAME Name of the user locale cookie fief_locale
USER_LOCALE_COOKIE_DOMAIN Domain of the user locale cookie Empty string
USER_LOCALE_COOKIE_SECURE Secure flag of user locale cookie True
USER_LOCALE_LIFETIME_SECONDS Lifetime of the user locale cookie in seconds 86400 * 30 (30 days)

_COOKIE_SECURE flag should be True in production

Browser cookies support the Secure flag, which tells the browser to not forward the cookie if the site is not requested in HTTPS.

For your convenience when starting Fief on your local machine, the Quickstart command will set those flags to False for every Fief cookies.

However, for security reasons, it's strongly recommended to set those flags to True (the default if not specified) when deploying to production.

The login hint cookie is used to remember the last method a user used to login. Its value can either be an email address or the ID of an OAuth Provider enabled on the user's tenant.

Name Description Default Allowed values Example
LOGIN_HINT_COOKIE_NAME Name of the login hint cookie fief_login_hint
LOGIN_HINT_COOKIE_DOMAIN Domain of the login hint cookie Empty string
LOGIN_HINT_COOKIE_SECURE Secure flag of login hint cookie True
LOGIN_HINT_COOKIE_LIFETIME_SECONDS Lifetime of the login hint cookie in seconds 86400 * 30 (30 days)

_COOKIE_SECURE flag should be True in production

Browser cookies support the Secure flag, which tells the browser to not forward the cookie if the site is not requested in HTTPS.

For your convenience when starting Fief on your local machine, the Quickstart command will set those flags to False for every Fief cookies.

However, for security reasons, it's strongly recommended to set those flags to True (the default if not specified) when deploying to production.

Login session

A login session is a cookie used to maintain the state of the login flow of a user, from the login page until they're redirected to your application.

Name Description Default Allowed values Example
LOGIN_SESSION_COOKIE_NAME Name of the login session cookie fief_login_session
LOGIN_SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN Domain of the login session cookie Empty string
LOGIN_SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE Secure flag of the login session cookie True
LOGIN_SESSION_LIFETIME_SECONDS Lifetime of the login session cookie in seconds 600 (10 minutes)

_COOKIE_SECURE flag should be True in production

Browser cookies support the Secure flag, which tells the browser to not forward the cookie if the site is not requested in HTTPS.

For your convenience when starting Fief on your local machine, the Quickstart command will set those flags to False for every Fief cookies.

However, for security reasons, it's strongly recommended to set those flags to True (the default if not specified) when deploying to production.

Registration session

A registration session is a cookie used to maintain the state of the registration flow of a new user, from the registration page until their account is created.

Name Description Default Allowed values Example
REGISTRATION_SESSION_COOKIE_NAME Name of the registration session cookie fief_registration_session
REGISTRATION_SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN Domain of the registration session cookie Empty string
REGISTRATION_SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE Secure flag of the registration session cookie True
REGISTRATION_SESSION_LIFETIME_SECONDS Lifetime of the registration session cookie in seconds 600 (10 minutes)

_COOKIE_SECURE flag should be True in production

Browser cookies support the Secure flag, which tells the browser to not forward the cookie if the site is not requested in HTTPS.

For your convenience when starting Fief on your local machine, the Quickstart command will set those flags to False for every Fief cookies.

However, for security reasons, it's strongly recommended to set those flags to True (the default if not specified) when deploying to production.

Email verification

Users must verify their email address using a code sent by email. The code is a random string composed of letters and digits, e.g. ABC123.

Name Description Default Allowed values Example
EMAIL_VERIFICATION_CODE_LENGTH Length of the verification code 6
EMAIL_VERIFICATION_LIFETIME_SECONDS Lifetime of the verification code in seconds 3600 (1 hour)

OAuth session

An OAuth session is used to maintain the state of an OAuth authentication with an OAuth Provider, from the moment they click on the Sign in with... button until they're redirected.

Name Description Default Allowed values Example
OAUTH_SESSION_LIFETIME_SECONDS Lifetime of the OAuth session in seconds 600 (10 minutes)


A session is a cookie used to maintain the session of a user on the Fief authentication pages. It's different from the session you'll maintain in your own application.

Its purpose is to allow a user to re-authenticate quickly to your app without having them to input their credentials again.

Name Description Default Allowed values Example
SESSION_COOKIE_NAME Name of the session cookie fief_session
SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN Domain of the session cookie Empty string
SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE Secure flag of the session cookie True
SESSION_LIFETIME_SECONDS Lifetime of the session cookie in seconds 86400 * 30 (30 days)

_COOKIE_SECURE flag should be True in production

Browser cookies support the Secure flag, which tells the browser to not forward the cookie if the site is not requested in HTTPS.

For your convenience when starting Fief on your local machine, the Quickstart command will set those flags to False for every Fief cookies.

However, for security reasons, it's strongly recommended to set those flags to True (the default if not specified) when deploying to production.

Client redirect URIs

Name Description Default Allowed values Example
CLIENT_REDIRECT_URI_SSL_REQUIRED Whether to enforce the use of HTTPS URL for Client redirect URIs True

This flag should be True in production

Using SSL/HTTPS URLs for the OAuth2 callback is critical for security. Allowing a non-encrypted redirection could enable malicious users to steal the authorization code during the process.

This flag is provided for convenience when running Fief in development and testing environments.

Authorization codes and tokens lifetimes

Authorization codes are temporary codes generated during the OAuth2 authentication flow. Access tokens, ID tokens and refresh tokens are generated after a successful OAuth2 authentication flow.

The variables below control the default lifetime for each one of them when a client is created. Those values can then be customized per client.

Name Description Default Allowed values Example
DEFAULT_AUTHORIZATION_CODE_LIFETIME_SECONDS Default lifetime of the authorization code in seconds. For security reasons, this value should remain low. OAuth2 specification recommends a value of 10 minutes. 600 (10 minutes)
DEFAULT_ACCESS_ID_TOKEN_LIFETIME_SECONDS Default lifetime of the access token and ID token in seconds. 86400 (24 hours)
DEFAULT_REFRESH_TOKEN_LIFETIME_SECONDS Default lifetime of the refresh token in seconds. 2592000 (30 days)


Fief-ception is a mind-fucking concept describing the fact that we actually use Fief to authenticate Fief admins 🤯

That's why we set necessary variables to create the main client and first admin user, as described in the Getting started section.

The variables below are here to configure the Fief server with a proper Fief client, as you would do in your own application!

Name Description Default Allowed values Example
FIEF_DOMAIN Domain of your Fief instance localhost:8000 fief.bretagne.duchy
FIEF_CLIENT_ID Client ID in your instance
FIEF_CLIENT_SECRET Client secret in your instance
FIEF_ENCRYPTION_KEY Optional RSA key used to encrypt the JWT tokens
FIEF_MAIN_USER_EMAIL Email address of the first admin user. If provided, the user will be created automatically on startup. anne@bretagne.duchy
FIEF_MAIN_USER_PASSWORD Password of the first admin user. If FIEF_MAIN_USER_EMAIL is provided, the user will be created automatically on startup with this password. Otherwise, a random password will be generated. SuperSecretAndStrongPassword
FIEF_MAIN_ADMIN_API_KEY Admin API token to create at server startup SuperSecretAndStrongToken

Admin session

An admin session is a cookie used to maintain the session of a user on the Fief admin dashboard.

Name Description Default Allowed values Example
FIEF_ADMIN_SESSION_COOKIE_NAME Name of the admin session cookie fief_admin_session
FIEF_ADMIN_SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN Domain of the admin session cookie Empty string
FIEF_ADMIN_SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE Secure flag of the admin session cookie True

_COOKIE_SECURE flag should be True in production

Browser cookies support the Secure flag, which tells the browser to not forward the cookie if the site is not requested in HTTPS.

For your convenience when starting Fief on your local machine, the Quickstart command will set those flags to False for every Fief cookies.

However, for security reasons, it's strongly recommended to set those flags to True (the default if not specified) when deploying to production.

Session data

The admin session data is a mechanism to store temporary data during the session of a user on the Fief admin dashboard.

Name Description Default Allowed values Example
SESSION_DATA_COOKIE_NAME Name of the session data cookie fief_session_data
SESSION_DATA_COOKIE_DOMAIN Domain of the session data cookie Empty string
SESSION_DATA_COOKIE_SECURE Secure flag of the session data cookie True
SESSION_DATA_COOKIE_LIFETIME_SECONDS Lifetime of the registration session cookie in seconds None (session cookie)

_COOKIE_SECURE flag should be True in production

Browser cookies support the Secure flag, which tells the browser to not forward the cookie if the site is not requested in HTTPS.

For your convenience when starting Fief on your local machine, the Quickstart command will set those flags to False for every Fief cookies.

However, for security reasons, it's strongly recommended to set those flags to True (the default if not specified) when deploying to production.