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API Keys

This is where you'll see and manage the api keys of your instance.

What is an API key?

An API key is a secret token that'll allow you to make authenticated requests to the Fief Admin API.

It'll be useful if you need, for example, to manage tenants or clients programmatically from your own application.

Keep it secret and safe

An API key gives complete accesss to your instance data. Keep it somewhere safe and don't share it with anyone.

API keys from admin dashboard

Create a new API Key

To create a new API Key, click on the Create API Key button. A modal will open where you'll be able to input the name of the API Key. Choose a name that'll help you remember where and how it's used.

Create api key from admin dashboard

When you submit the form, a new modal will open with the actual API key token. For security reasons, it'll be shown only once. Copy and paste it somewhere safe before closing the modal.

Created api key from admin dashboard

Delete an API Key

If one of your API Key is not useful anymore, you can delete it by clicking on the Delete button in the list.

Delete api key from admin dashboard