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Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) is an extension of the OAuth2 protocol to help secure public clients.

What is a client?

A client is a central part of the OAuth2 protocol. It's the definition of an application authorized to request for access tokens and user information on Fief. In other words, your application will need one of those client to be able to authenticate users from your Fief instance.

Each client has a Client ID and a Client Secret. Those values are used during OAuth2 authentification to recognize the client.

Each instance comes with one client, tied to the default tenant.


As we mentioned in a previous section, clients are considered public when the client secret can't be properly protected. This is usually the case for JavaScript applications and mobile applications, where the secret could be easily discovered in the source code.

In OAuth2 protocol, when the user has successfully authenticated, they are redirected to your application with a temporary code, called the authorization code. This code is then used by your application to call the Fief API and obtain a valid token in exchange. For this exchange to happen, the protocol requires that you provide the client secret, to prove that you are allowed to make such requests.

However, how could we do that for public clients where we don't have the client secret? That's the purpose of PKCE! In a nutshell, your application will generate a temporary secret each time we want to authenticate a user.

Schematically, here is the process:

    actor U as User
    participant A as Your app
    participant F as Fief
    U->>A: Wants to login
    rect rgb(191, 223, 255)
    note right of A: Authorization step
        A->>A: Generates a random string, the code verifier
        A->>A: Computes the hash of this code, the code challenge
        A->>F: Redirects to Fief login page, with the code challenge
        U->>F: Authenticates on Fief
        F->>A: Redirects with the authorization code
    rect rgb(191, 223, 255)
    note right of A: Token generation step
        A->>F: Asks for an access token, including the code verifier
        F->>F: Computes the hash of the code verifier
        F->>F: Checks it corresponds to the code challenge it got in the first place
        F->>A: Generates a valid token

Basically, the client generates a random string, the code verifier, makes a hash out of it, the code challenge, and keep them both in memory.

In the authorization step, the client only sends the code challenge. The server will keep this value in memory.

In the token generation step, the client now sends the code verifier. The server will then compute the hash the same way the client did and compare it with the challenge it got in the authorization step.

In a way, it's quite similar to how web applications handle user passwords: the server only keep the hashed value, and when the user logs in it computes the hash and compares it with the one in database.

PKCE can also be used with confidential clients

While initally designed for public clients, PKCE can also be used with confidential clients, as an extra security layer.

Use PKCE with Fief

Fief enforces the use of PKCE for public clients: you must pass the code_challenge and code_challenge_method to the /authorize URL.

JavaScript integration

Our official client comes with all the tools you need to perform PKCE.

Browser and React integrations do it automatically!

Actually, if you use our browser or React integration, PKCE is already handled automatically!

If you need more control you can use the crypto module to generate the code verifier and challenge. Then, you can directly pass them to getAuthURL and authCallback.

const cryptoHelper = fief.crypto.getCrypto();
const codeVerifier = await cryptoHelper.generateCodeVerifier();
const codeChallenge = await cryptoHelper.getCodeChallenge(codeVerifier, 'S256');
const authURL = await fief.getAuthURL({
    redirectURI: '',
    scope: ['openid'],
    codeChallengeMethod: 'S256',
const [tokens, userinfo] = await fief.authCallback(

Other languages

If you need to implement PKCE for other languages, you'll need to:

  1. Generate a cryptographic-safe random string of 128 characters.
  2. Compute the SHA-256 hash of this value and encode it in base64.

Draw inspiration from our JavaScript implementation

If you need an example of how to do this, you can draw inspiration from our JavaScript implementation.

Then, you'll need to pass code_challenge and code_challenge_method parameters to the authorization URL:

GET /authorize

Finally, when requesting the token, don't forget to pass code_verifier:

POST /token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 155
