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Webhooks integration guide

You'll find in this guide insights and guidelines to integrate webhooks in your application.

What is a Webhook?

A Webhook is a way for your application to be notified automatically when something happens on your instance.

For example, you can configure a Webhook so your application get a notification when a new user registers. This way, you can run your own business logic, like add the user to a mailing list or a marketing tool.

Technically, it works with HTTP requests: Fief will make requests to the URL you give it with the relevant data for the event. On your side, you'll need to accept this request and implement the logic you need accordingly.

Configure your Webhook

You can create and manage your Webhooks from the admin dashboard. You can read more about it here.

They can also be created programmatically using the Admin API, with the /admin/api/webhooks/ endpoints.

During local development, use a tunnel like Ngrok

When developing on your local machine, your server served on localhost is not accessible by Fief on the internet.

To ease testing, you can use a tunnel like Ngrok to tunnel your local machine to the internet. You'll get a dedicated URL you can give to Fief so you receive webhook requests directly on your local server.

How Webhooks work?

Webhooks are a common technique in web applications to trigger logic and workflows across different applications and processes.

They generally work with standard HTTP requests. When an event happens on a service A, thi service will perform an HTTP request to a service B that wants to know about this event. The payload of this request usually consists of a JSON object with information about the event.

This approach is performant and easy-to-use because service B only needs to expose an HTTP endpoint and wait for incoming requests. It doesn't need to poll service A to check if something happened.

flowchart LR
    EVENT{{Something happens}}
    APP[Your app]
    EVENT -.-> FIEF
    FIEF -- HTTP --> APP

Webhooks security

As you may have guessed, accepting webhooks involves to expose a public HTTP endpoint on the internet. Since this could be easily guessed by malicious users, they could very well send false events to your application!

So, how do we know if a webhook event truly comes for Fief? Several techniques exist, but we chose to implement a signature approach. Basically, we take the payload, i.e. the JSON data of the event and hash it using a cryptography algorithm (HMAC-SHA256) with a secret. This secret is the one you get when you create your Webhook.

Then, this signature is sent in the headers of the HTTP request we make to your application. This way, using the same technique, you can compute the very same signature: if they match, it means it's a legitimate request from Fief. If not, this is a malicious request that you should reject 🤨

flowchart LR
    subgraph FIEF [Fief]
    subgraph HTTP [HTTP Request]
        SIG_HTTP[Fief's signature]
    subgraph APP [Your app]
        SIG_APP[Computed signature]
    PAYLOAD_FIEF -. HMAC-SHA256 + Secret .-> SIG_HTTP
    PAYLOAD_HTTP -. HMAC-SHA256 + Secret .-> SIG_APP
    SIG_HTTP <-- Do they match? --> SIG_APP

Besides this mechanism, Fief adds a timestamp to the request headers. It protects us from replay attacks, where a malicious user could repeat a request they have intercepted before. All we need to do is to reject requests that have a too old timestamp. And to make sure the timestamp is not tampered, it's contatenated to the payload before generating the signature.

flowchart LR
    subgraph FIEF [Fief]
        PAYLOAD_TIMESTAMP_FIEF[Payload + Timestamp]
    subgraph HTTP [HTTP Request]
        SIG_HTTP[Fief's signature]
    subgraph APP [Your app]
        PAYLOAD_TIMESTAMP_APP[Payload + Timestamp]
        SIG_APP[Computed signature]



    SIG_HTTP <-- Do they match? --> SIG_APP

    TIMESTAMP_HTTP -- Not too old? --> APP

Request specification

A Fief's webhook request is a standard HTTP POST request with a JSON payload.



The timestamp at which the request was issued. You shouldn't accept requests older than 5 minutes.


The HMAC-SHA256 signature. It's computed by concatenating:

  • The timestamp
  • The character .
  • The raw JSON payload as string

The resulting string is then used to compute an HMAC with the SHA256 hash function and your webhook secret. The result is serialized as an hexadecimal string.

JSON payload

The payload consists of a JSON object with two keys:

  • event: the name of the event that triggered the webhook
  • data: the corresponding data of the event. Usually, it's a representation of the object that has been created, updated or deleted in database.


    "type": "user.created",
    "data": {
        "id": "de168e87-8b37-4f01-9e02-f7e5244f0be8"
        "email": "anne@bretagne.duchy",
        "is_active": true,
        "is_superuser": false,
        "is_verified": false,
        "fields": {
            "first_name": "Anne",
            "last_name": "De Bretagne"
        "tenant_id": "4c124fb0-048e-448d-b2e7-6ba1bb03ec1",
        "tenant": {
            "id": "4c124fb0-048e-448d-b2e7-6ba1bb03ec1",
            "name": "Bretagne Duchy",
            "default": true,
            "slug": "",
            "registration_allowed": true,
            "theme_id": null,
            "logo_url": null


Your server should return a response with a status in the 200-range.


If your server is unreachable or if it doesn't return a response with a success status code, Fief will try to send again the event 4 times, waiting exponentially more each time.

  • Attempt 1
  • (wait 15 seconds) Attempt 2
  • (wait 60 seconds) Attempt 3
  • (wait 120 seconds) Attempt 4
  • (wait 240 seconds) Attempt 5

Each attempt is logged, so you can check why the delivery has gone wrong.

Code samples

import hmac
import json
import time
from hashlib import sha256

from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException, Request, status

app = FastAPI()

SECRET = "YOUR_WEBHOOK_SECRET"  # (1)!"/webhook-endpoint")
async def webhook_endpoint(request: Request):
    timestamp = request.headers.get("X-Fief-Webhook-Timestamp")
    signature = request.headers.get("X-Fief-Webhook-Signature")
    payload = (await request.body()).decode("utf-8")  # (2)!

    # Check if timestamp and signature are there
    if timestamp is None or signature is None:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)

    # Check if timestamp is not older than 5 minutes
    if int(time.time()) - int(timestamp) > 5 * 60:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)

    # Compute signature
    message = f"{timestamp}.{payload}"
    hash =
    computed_signature = hash.hexdigest()

    # Check if the signatures match
    if not hmac.compare_digest(signature, computed_signature):
        raise HTTPException(status_code=status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)

    # Good to go!
    data = json.loads(payload)
  1. Your Webhook secret

    Don't forget to replace this with your own Webhook secret: this is how you'll be able to compute the proper signature.

    For security, you should set it in an environment variable so it doesn't get committed with your code.

  2. Retrieve the raw payload

    It's important that you retrieve the raw payload instead of the parsed representation returned by your framework.

    Otherwise, we can't be sure we have the exact same string representation that were used when computing the original signature.

What's next?

You can now receive notifications directly from Fief in your application! We can't wait to see the clever integrations and workflows you'll build.

To have more details about the different events and their structure, be sure to check the Webhook events documentation.